About the Society
The Wild Life Preservation Society of Australia was founded in 1909 by a group of enthusiastic bushwalkers. Our founders suggested the need for such a group in a talk with the Naturalists’ Society of New South Wales (NSW). The Swedish Consul-General for Australia, Count Birger Mörner, organised the first preliminary discussion in the consulate on 11 May 1909. As an outcome of this discussion, it was decided to call a public meeting on forming such a society. Fifty people attended and were enrolled as the first members of the Society. Within one week, the newly formed Wild Life Preservation Society of Australia had grown to more than 100 members. The provisional committee worked hard, and in the same year, the inaugural meeting adopted a constitution and elected the first chairman, the Honourable Frederick Earle Winchcombe MLC. The Society pioneered the recognition of the need for legal protection for Australia’s animals and plants.
Today, we are known as the Australian Wildlife Society (AWS). We are a national not-for-profit wildlife conservation organisation. Our mission is to conserve Australia’s wildlife (flora and fauna) through national environmental education, advocacy, and community involvement. We are an independent, non-controversial, and a-political body. We are a tax-deductible gift recipient registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission. The Society is funded through membership fees, sponsorship, partnerships, and donations and is managed by an elected Board of up to ten volunteer Directors. We hold regular monthly meetings to discuss important wildlife conservation matters and make several significant decisions on which we act.
Our Society has always known that a battle is never really won until the victory is enshrined in legislation. We have always tried to convince politicians to include preserving Australia’s wildlife and its vital conservation habitat in all their planning and environmental issues and discussions. Furthermore, we act as a watchdog and advise government agencies and institutions regarding ecological and conservation problems concerning wildlife preservation.
Our Projects
The Australian Wildlife magazine is the flagship of the Society and has proved extremely popular amongst all our members. The magazine has developed since the 1930s from black and white to colour. You can become actively involved in the newsletter and magazine by sending photos and written articles for inclusion. We also produce a monthly e-newsletter to help convey the importance of wildlife conservation, the work of the Society, and news from our members.
Our Society is aware that many organisations, individuals, and thousands of volunteers are working tirelessly to save Australia’s native wildlife and the precious habitats in which they live. We are proud to acknowledge and reward these individuals or conservation groups and encourage them to continue their excellent work on behalf of the community. The Society offers four prestigious Annual Awards – the Serventy Conservation Award, Community Wildlife Conservation Award, Wildlife Rehabilitation Award, and Youth Conservation Awards. Applications are due by 31 December.
Another highlight is awarding our ten University Research Grants, which are offered to honours or postgraduate students at Australian universities. Ten University Research Grants are awarded yearly: one $5,000 scholarship and nine $3,000 grants. The Dr Clive Williams OAM Memorial Wildlife Conservation Scholarship is awarded to the highest-ranked applicant of all our University Research Grants. Grants are available for research projects of direct relevance to the conservation of Australian wildlife, and applications are due by 31 May.
We also award three unique University Scholarships. The Wildlife Ecology Research Scholarship is open to postgraduate research students undertaking a research project directly relevant to the conservation of Australia’s wildlife. Scholarships are valued at $5,000 for one year. Applications are due by 31 May.
The Society also offers Conservation Group Grants. The Board of the Society considers all requests for grants from conservation groups emphasising wildlife preservation. A grant application form is available on the website if you want to apply.
The Society holds a Threatened Wildlife Photographic Competition, a national competition that rewards and promotes the conservation of threatened or endangered Australian wildlife through photography. The Society invites photographers to raise the plight of threatened wildlife across Australia. The closing date for entries is 30 June, and online voting is from 1 to 31 July.
The National Colouring-in Competition is designed to inspire the younger generation to learn about Australia’s native wildlife via visual art and creativity. We hope the experience allows participants to explore and develop a deeper understanding of environmental and wildlife-related issues. Entries are due by 30 November.
The Wildlife Fiction Short Story Competition is a national competition that seeks original short stories that entertain, convey a message, capture a moment, or evoke a certain mood about Australian wildlife (flora or fauna) while shedding light on the challenges they face in the modern world. Entries are due by 31 August.
The Society established the Platypus Alliance - a group of wildlife advocates working together to protect Australia’s semi-aquatic species, such as the platypus, rakali, and turtles, from becoming tangled in enclosed yabby traps and drowning horrible deaths. The Platypus Alliance continues to advocate for protecting these species across Australia.
The Society established Australian Wildlife Week, celebrated across Australia during the first week of October, to encourage a positive relationship between humanity and nature. We hope to raise awareness and inspire all Australians to explore and develop a deeper understanding of environmental issues, gain the necessary skills to make informed decisions, and take action to improve the environment.
The Society established Snip Rings for Wildlife in 2020, a campaign raising awareness and encouraging individuals to protect Australia’s wildlife by cutting through ring-shaped items such as plastic rings, rubber bands, hair ties, loops of facemasks, and dome-shaped lids in their entirety before disposing of them.
President, Stephen Grabowski
Stephen, appointed as a Director in May 2014, has a keen interest in wildlife conservation. His passion for advocating for the protection of threatened species stems from his deep concern about the alarming rate at which these species face extinction. Stephen actively engages in initiatives to raise awareness about the importance of conserving wildlife, particularly Australia’s beloved, iconic, and endangered koala.
Stephen is a highly experienced professional in the Financial Services Industry and serves as a Justice of the Peace. With over twenty-five years of active involvement in the industry, he has acquired a deep understanding of financial planning. Stephen’s expertise is further exemplified by his possession of an Australian financial services licence, which enables him to provide comprehensive financial advice to his clients. His vast knowledge and experience led him to establish his successful firm, ‘Grabowski Financial Planning’.
Prior to Stephen’s involvement in the Society, the return on our investments was negligible. Under Stephen’s stewardship, the Society’s investments grew considerably. We feel that the Society’s investments are in safe hands, and we have no hesitation in endorsing Stephen as a competent financial manager. Stephen has also been involved with other leading industry groups, such as the Western Sydney Business NSW Regional Advisory Council (President), Business NSW Sydney South West (Regional President), and The Greater Narellan Business Chamber (President), to name a few.
In his spare time, Stephen enjoys various outdoor activities that allow him to connect with nature and relax. He enjoys gardening and going on bushwalks. Stephen is also a novice surfer and finds solace in fishing.
Stephen, a Life Member of the Society, achieved a significant milestone in his career when he was re-elected as Vice President of the Society in March 2020 and later President in November 2023. His future goals for the Society are to expand its membership base and social media profiles and establish the Society as a peak ‘go-to’ wildlife conservation organisation.
Vice President, Dr Robin Crisman
Dr Robin Crisman was appointed as a Director, filling a casual vacancy on the Board, on 2 December 2020. Robin, the Head Veterinarian at Somersby Animal Hospital, graduated from Texas A&M University with a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree, Bachelor of Biomedical Science, and a Bachelor of Veterinary Science. She has been in practice for over twenty-five years and has worked in a variety of environments including Racing New South Wales as a race day vet, and in the breeding shed of several large horse studs, both in Texas and Australia. She also has a great love of native wildlife working with Australian Walkabout Wildlife Park, Blackbutt Reserve, Australian Reptile Park, and Aussie Ark. Robin developed her love for emergency and critical care during her time as an Assistant Chief of Staff of a practice in Texas. While working at this practice, she was voted 'Best Vet' in Dallas. She is a certified scuba diver and travels all over the globe in search of the perfect dive site. Robin's achievements also include being honoured as the 2019 Australian Small Animal Veterinarian Practitioner of the Year and also awarded the Australian Wildlife Society Wildlife Rehabilitation Award in 2017. Robin's future goals for the Society include: 1. Finding ways to preserve more wildlife habitat, 2. Further research efforts to promote more understanding of our vulnerable species, and 3. Advocating for more wildlife corridors especially in areas of threatened species.
Vice President, Trevor Evans
Trevor joined the Society in 2001. In 2009, he was nominated as a representative of the Australian Ecosystems Foundation. He became a Director on the Board in 2016, later becoming Vice President in December 2023. Trevor holds a Bachelor of Applied Science (Ecotourism & Ecosystem management) from Charles Sturt University NSW. Trevor is General Manager of Secret Creek Wildlife Sanctuary, Lithgow. He has a wide experience in wildlife management, wildlife conservation, environmental education programs and hands-on experience in breeding rare and endangered species. Trevor represents on a number of government and agency threatened species programs/projects. He was awarded Conservationist of the year in 2010. Trevor holds a Reptile Keepers’ licence (RK59930 – Class 1 Licence) and an Outdoor Guide licence (NPWS of NSW). He is also licensed to hold endangered species, exhibit Australian Wildlife (DPI l0032) and is licensed with Zoo and Aquarium Association. Trevor was the recipient of the Wildlife Preservation Society Community Conservation Award in 2009.
Treasurer, Dr Hayley Stannard
Dr Hayley Stannard has been a member of the Society since 2007 and was appointed as a Director on the Board on 7 July 2021. Hayley’s research interests are focused on conservation biology and physiology of vertebrates, comprising of research focused on comparative physiology, welfare, and biodiversity conservation. She has made strong collaborative research links with national parks, zoos, and private animal groups. Hayley completed her PhD on optimising nutrition and health in carnivorous marsupials in 2012. After which, she taught numerous Animal Science and Zoology subjects at Western Sydney University before doing a postdoc. Hayley was a Postdoctoral Research Associate on an ARC Linkage grant with Taronga Conservation Society and the University of Sydney. Her project focused on optimising nutrition in the Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii) breeding program and investigating nutritional ecology in a related species, the fat-tailed dunnart (Sminthopsis crassicaudata). Hayley also taught on the Animal and Veterinary Bioscience and Veterinary Science degrees at the University of Sydney before joining Charles Sturt University (CSU) in 2019. At CSU, she teaches anatomy and physiology subjects and continues her research on native wildlife. Hayley has written several articles for the Society’s magazine, and her future goals for the Society include: 1. To conserve native flora and fauna by preserving and protecting habitats, 2. Support wildlife carers and the essential work they do for native wildlife, and 3. Promote sustainable use of natural resources to aid the conservation of our unique flora and fauna.
Chief Executive Officer | Patrick W Medway AM
Patrick has maintained a keen and enthusiastic interest in wildlife preservation and conservation throughout his long and distinguished career.
He joined the Society in 1976 and was appointed to the Board of Directors in 1988. He has been an active member continuously since then as Honorary Secretary, Executive Director, Editor, Public Officer, President, and Chief Executive Officer of the Society since 1995.
Patrick graduated from the University of Technology, Sydney (Diploma in Public Relations with Credit – 1974, BA Communications – 1977) and the University of New South Wales (Master’s degree in Educational Administration – 1991). He is a member of the Australian College of Educators (MACE). He is a Fellow of the Public Relations Institute of Australia (FPRIA) and an Honorary Life Member of the International Police Association, Australian National Section (HLM 22).
Patrick began his early career as an Army and Police officer, then joined the NSW Department of Education in 1970 as Community Relations Manager.
Patrick was seconded from the NSW Department of Education to serve as Director and Chief Education Officer of the Currumbin Bird and Wildlife Sanctuary on the Gold Coast from 1985-87.
He has also spent time at the Wetland and Waterfowl Centre in Slimbridge, United Kingdom, and visited many major wildlife parks, sanctuaries, and botanic gardens worldwide.
With his professional qualifications, experience and expertise, he has been actively involved in many conservation, zoological, botanical, and educational associations across Australia. He co-authored Conservation Victories with the late Dr Vincent Serventy AM. He commissioned two other publications, Conserving Australia’s Wildlife and 100 Years of Saving Australia’s Wildlife, to mark the Centenary of the Society in 2009.
Patrick was appointed to the State Council for the NSW Nature Conservation Council in 1995 and served for five years. He was appointed to the NSW Pest Animal Control Council in 2002 and serves on the NSW Kangaroo Management Advisory Panel.
Patrick is a former Chairperson of the Towra Point Steering Committee and President of the Friends of Towra Point Nature Reserve. He has an abiding interest in wetland and wildlife management.
Patrick was elected National President on the retirement of Dr Vincent Serventy AM in 2002 and served for eight years in that capacity.
Patrick was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) on 26 January 2003 in the Australia Day Honours for his ‘Service to conservation and the environment through environmental education in a range of organisations and committees concerned with the preservation of wildlife and nature, particularly the Australian Wildlife Society’.
Director, Brian Scarsbrick AM
Brian is an innovator and strong networker with government, industry, the corporate sector and research/academic communities. Brian has held senior positions throughout his career, from Regional Director of Agriculture to leading a small professional multi-disciplinary team at Landcare Australia Ltd. and the most recent, Chief Executive Officer of The National Trust of Australia NSW (2012-2017). Brian succeeded in helping to bring about a culture change in addressing soil degradation and water and air pollution through developing 'win-win' partnerships between corporates, government and the community. In 2007 Landcare Australia Ltd. established a Carbon Trading Pool (CarbonSmart) of Landcare group biodiversity plantings. CarbonSmart then targeted large companies to reduce their carbon footprint, enhance their Corporate Social Responsibility image concerning environmental and social issues, and financially assist farmers through carbon farming. Brian became a member of the Society in 2019 and was appointed as a Director in March 2020. In 2021, Brian was elected as Vice President. Brian's future goals for the Society are: 1. Provide assistance and advice to help facilitate the recovery of biodiversity with particular emphasis of wildlife following the devastation from the Australia wide bushfires, 2. to bring an enhanced botanical and habitat perspective to the activities of the Society, and 3. help promote the importance of enhancing flora biodiversity (in particular trees) in reducing carbon emissions.
Director, John Creighton
John Creighton was born in New Orleans, Louisiana. Growing up, he loved to explore the surrounding swamps with their alligators, snakes, deer, squirrels, and beautiful birds. After completing degrees in history and sociology and a diploma in education, he decided to become a teacher while continuing to serve in the Army Reserve. After serving in the army, love brought him to Australia. A few decades later, having settled in the Southern Highlands, he decided to devote his life to caring for the region’s bare-nosed wombats (Vombatus ursinus). He soon discovered significant challenges for releasing rehabilitated wombats safely and, after attending a Wombat Protection Society conference in 2015, learned that mange was a huge problem. John found that the major animal welfare groups did not want to deal with mange because it was seen as too hard, and the medicine was expensive. He decided this was a battle that had to be fought, so he established Wombat Care Bundanoon in 2015 and focused on treating mange. In 2019, John received the Australian Wildlife Society’s prestigious Wildlife Rehabilitation Award for his wombat rehabilitation work. John joined the Society in March 2020 and became a Director in December 2022.
Director | Steve Wisbey OAM
Steve’s interest in the Society started when he joined in February 2018. He was buoyed by the Society’s work and the positive outcomes achieved by working through education and facilitating scholarships. Steve has always been passionate about Australian flora and fauna.
In the last decade, his experience in communications has allowed him to enjoy executive roles as Marketing Manager of NFP organisations Macarthur Disability Services, Disability Macarthur, MG My Gateway youth employment apprenticeship organisation, NSW Harness Racing Club, and Blue Chip Automotive marques.
Steve successfully divides his time between consultancy, philanthropy, community work, speaking engagements, and business mentoring. In 2015, he received the Order of Australia Medal in The Queen’s Birthday Honours for his decades of community work and fundraising in Macarthur, NSW.
Steve became a Director in November 2024. Steve’s experience as a communicator and marketing professional will add dynamic value to the Society and continue to lift its profile into the digital future without forgetting the human connection.
Director | Mitchell Brennan
Mitchell is a marine biologist and conservationist focused on developing methodologies to assist in the protection and conservation of threatened marine species. He has a particular focus on syngnathids, the family of fishes that includes seahorses, sea dragons, and pipefish.
Mitchell is pursuing a PhD focused on developing conservation methodologies for the endangered White seahorse, Hippocampus whitei. This includes assessing the efficacy of conservation translocation programs and habitat provision. For this project, Mitchell facilitates the breeding and rearing of juvenile seahorses in aquaria, conducts in-situ seahorse surveying to assess survival and population dynamics, oversees students and interns involved in the project, and plays a key role in project management and logistics organisation.
Mitchell joined the Society in August 2022 and, in the same year, was awarded the Society's Australian Wildlife Ecology Research Scholarship for his research on the White's seahorse. A copy of his article can be accessed HERE>
Mitchell is a commercially qualified SCUBA diver (ADAS Part1R), has extensive experience in animal husbandry, is adept in a wide variety of fieldwork methods, is an active teaching assistant and laboratory demonstrator for tertiary students, and is a keen science communicator, including appearances on ABC's Play School, Studio 10, and an assortment of media channels, community festivals and organisations.
Mitchell became a Director of the Society in December 2024.
Clerical Assistant, Kelly Piper
Kelly is a dedicated and technically skilled business professional with a versatile administrative support skill set developed through experience as an office manager, secretary, administrative assistant, and office clerk. She excels in resolving employer challenges with innovative solutions, systems, and process improvements proven to increase efficiency, customer satisfaction, and the bottom line. Kelly has excellent time management skills and a proven ability to meet deadlines. Kelly is passionate and has a robust skill set with numbers and finance. She offers advanced computer skills in MS Office Suite, MYOB, XERO, QuickBooks, POS Systems, and other applications.

Stephen Grabowski

Trevor Evans
Vice President

Dr Robin Crisman
Vice President

Dr Hayley Stannard

Patrick Medway AM
Chief Executive Officer

John Creighton

Steve Wisbey OAM

Brian Scarsbrick AM

Mitchell Brennan
What are the benefits of being identified with the Australian Wildlife Society?
Here are some to be considered.
Durability: The Australian Wildlife Society (previously known as the Wildlife Preservation Society of Australia Limited) is Australia’s oldest wildlife conservation organisation. Founded in May 1909, it has served Australia for over 100 years. The Society has survived two world wars, economic depressions, and social turmoil. Our brand image is one of endurance – we have always been here, and we will always be here!
Service: The Australian Wildlife Society has been served by committed volunteers throughout its entire existence for more than 100 years. Without any form of Government financial assistance, which some other conservation organisations enjoy, we have fought for the conservation and welfare of Australia’s unique wildlife without fear or favour and have achieved many remarkable victories. We are still an organisation of volunteers willing to give our own time to benefit the broader Australian community.
Integrity: Due to our heritage and committed service, we have earned the respect of other conservation organisations and governments and agencies. As a result, we have been invited to sit on Government advisory panels and agency committees, i.e. Kangaroo Management Advisory Panel, NSW Pest Animal Council and Greater Sydney Regional Pest Animal Management Committee, local government strategic planning advisory committees etc. We have developed a set of well-considered policies publicly available on our website.
Genuineness: The Australian Wildlife Society focuses on the welfare of all Australian wildlife. We are strongly identified with Australia. The echidna on our logo has been identified with us long before it appeared on Australia’s five-cent coin. As an early conservationist said, we are ‘down to earth’ in our wildlife conservation work, like the echidna. We are the epitome of genuine Australianness.
Any organisation that wishes to project an image of durability, service, integrity, and genuineness can do no better than identify itself with the Australian Wildlife Society.
Green Commandments for a better world
The Green Commandments for sustainable development of our Planet are:
01. All people have a right to an Earth where they can live in good health and enjoy a fair quality of life.
02. No one has the right to substantially alter the natural world in a way that will damage the world’s basic resources.
03. All people must conserve the present diversity of the natural world. Extinction is forever.
04. All people must plan their future so the resources they use will be sustainable and when they use non-sustainable materials, plan for a future when these will be exhausted.
05. All people giving aid to others must be sure the help will increase the quality of life of those they assist, not forcing them into new ways of living, destroying their culture.
06. All people must use the world’s common resources concerning all other people, both now and in the future.
07. All nations must carry out their obligations under all environmental agreements. A world court should decide on serious breaches, while other pressures such as boycotts must be used when more suitable for the occasion.
08. All nations must co-operate, not only in monitoring their own environment but also in their obligations to the rest of the world.
09. All nations must develop a sustainable population policy and adhere to it.
10. All nations and individuals must develop a new morality, not based only on particular religions but with values of respect for all humans' rights and those of the natural environment.