The Society established its Roll of Honour in 2022, launched at the Annual President’s Luncheon on 2 March 2022, to highlight past luminaries who have made a significant contribution to the longevity and success of the Australian Wildlife Society and who are respected in the wider conservation field for their contribution to the preservation of Australian wildlife.

2025 Roll of Honour
2024 Roll of Honour

Not Awarded

2023 Roll of Honour

Dr Al Glen.

Dr Al Glen is a Wildlife Ecologist with broad research interests in wildlife management.

Al completed his PhD at the University of Sydney on the interactions between native and introduced carnivores in Australia.  Al was one of the first recipients of the Australian Wildlife Society’s wildlife conservation scholarships, in 2003, for his research on the spotted-tailed quoll (Dasyurus maculatus) in northern New South Wales.

Al joined the Society in 2005 and served on the Board for many years before moving to Western Australia to pursue postdoctoral research with the Department of Environment and Conservation.  In 2007, he was awarded the Chairman’s Prize for Scientific Excellence by the Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre.

Al launched the Society’s annual University Research Grants and has played a substantial role in actively judging these grants for more than sixteen years.  In 2013, Al was awarded Honorary Life Membership of the Society.

Al has written extensively, published over one-hundred papers, book chapters, and conference abstracts, and spoken at many wildlife management conferences.  Much of his work has focused on conserving threatened species and mitigating the impacts of invasive predators such as foxes and feral cats.

Al is currently working at Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research in New Zealand as a Senior Researcher in Wildlife Ecology & Management, focusing on restoring highly invaded ecosystems.

In 2023, Al was added to the Australian Wildlife Society Roll of Honour for his outstanding and continued commitment to the Society and its University Research Grants.

2022 Roll of Honour

Dr Julie Old, Ken Mason, Suzanne Medway AM, Dr Clive Williams OAM, and Patrick Medway AM.

Mr Ken Mason joined the Society in 2014 and has served on the Board of Directors for eight years (resigned in 2022).  He served as Vice President and represented the Society in several presentations to the Hunter Wetland Centre and the Invasive Species Council.  He has made significant financial contributions to the work of the Society and was most recently awarded the Environmentalist of the year certificate by local MP Mark Coure MP.  We congratulate Ken on being added to the Society’s Roll of Honour.

Dr Julie old and Ken Mason.

Dr Clive Williams OAM joined the Society in 1986 and served on the Board of Directors for over thirty years (resigned in 2017).  Clive significantly contributed to our major wildlife conservation projects, including Towra Point Nature Reserve rehabilitation and restoration work for migratory wading birds, Rockdale Wetland Corridor restoration, and National Tree Day programs.  Clive played a substantial role in judging the Society’s annual awards.  We congratulate Clive on being added to the Society’s Roll of Honour.

Dr Julie Old, Dr Clive Williams OAM, and Patrick Medway AM.

Mrs Suzanne Medway AM joined the Society in 1988 and served on the Board of Directors from 2000 to 2021 (resigned in 2021).  Suzanne was elected as the National President in 2010 and held this position until 2021.  Suzanne edited three books during her term of office and served as the Chief Editor of Australian Wildlife from 2001 to 2020 with distinction.  Suzanne established the Society’s website and social media programs and represented the Society at local, national, and international conferences.  We congratulate Suzanne on being added to the Society’s Roll of Honour.

Suzanne Medway AM, Dr Julie Old, and Patrick Medway AM.

Dr Richard Mason joined the Society in 1976 and served on the Board of Directors for more than forty years (resigned in 2017), mainly as a Vice President of the Society.  Richard is a keen ornithologist and a passionate advocate for the preservation of Australian wildlife through the Society, NSW National Parks Association, the National Trust of Australia, and Hornsby Conservation Society Inc.

Dr Richard Mason and Dr Julie Old.