We understand that including a charity in your will is a very personal decision and one that will need to be carefully considered. We appreciate that your family and loved ones should always come first, and believe it is important to talk with them about your intentions and why leaving a bequest to AWS is important to you.
A bequest is one of the most effective and long-lasting ways you can help AWS. We rely on our supporters’ generosity to enable us to continue working towards the conservation of Australian wildlife (flora and fauna) in all its forms through national environmental education and advocacy. Without you, our work would simply not be possible. Whatever the amount you bequeath to AWS, your contribution is invaluable.
If you’d like to find out more about how to leave a bequest to AWS, or how your bequest to AWS can make an impact, please download our Bequest Information Pack.
Step 1: Write or update your will
A bequest in your will, no matter what the amount, can make a real difference to wildlife and the application of wildlife conservation projects across Australia. If you already have a will but would like to leave a bequest to AWS, you can do so by making a simple addition to your existing will. This is called a codicil. If you do not have a will at the moment, you can simply include a bequest when you write a new will. Whatever your circumstances, we would advise you to see a solicitor to ensure your wishes will be followed. When catastrophic events occur and our immediate action is required, it is essential that all our programs continue without interruption. Financial flexibility is crucial to our ability to respond to priority needs, so we ask that you do not designate your bequest to a particular project or region.
Step 2: Decide your legacy
There are a number of ways you can leave a bequest to AWS, depending on your circumstances.
- Residuary bequest: This is the most effective way to leave a bequest to AWS. It is a gift of what remains after you have made provisions for your loved ones. A residuary bequest will keep up with inflation. It will mean your bequest will achieve as much in our projects in the future as you would like it to now.
- Percentage bequest: Leaving a percentage of your estate allows you to decide what proportion of your total estate you would like to give to AWS. A percentage bequest will also keep up with inflation.
- A pecuniary bequest or specific sum: A pecuniary bequest is a fixed sum of money to be left to AWS. This type of bequest will not keep up with inflation.
Step 3: Suggested wording for your will
Here is our suggested wording to use when writing or updating your will, as well as our organisational details.
“I give and bequeath
- the residue, or
- [......] percent of my whole estate, or
- [......] percent of the residue, or
- the specific sum of $[......]
to the Wildlife Preservation Society of Australia Limited, for its general purposes, and declare that the receipt of the Treasurer for the time being of the Wildlife Preservation Society of Australia Limited shall be a complete discharge to my Executors in respect of any sum paid to the Wildlife Preservation Society of Australia Limited.”
ABN: 13 817 470 816
Step 4: Notify loved ones and AWS
We believe it is important to talk to family and loved ones about your will. Communication will ensure your final wishes are carried out. Let your family know that leaving a bequest to AWS is important to you and advise any executors and guardians of your wishes.
We also suggest that you let us know once you have left a bequest in your will to AWS. Knowing when someone has chosen to support us in this particular way helps us to plan more confidently for the future, and we thank you personally for your generous support of AWS.
If you would like to discuss your bequest in person or have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact:
- The Company Secretary, Patrick Medway AM, via 0402 435 048 or secretary@aws.org.au, or
- The National Office Manager, Megan Fabian, via 0424 287 297 or manager@aws.org.au.
Thank you for considering AWS and its mission to preserve Australia's wildlife for inclusion in your will.