Wombat Conservation

Have you seen a wombat?
Log your sighting at WomSAT.org.au
Wombats are mysterious animals, usually venturing out of their underground burrows at night and hiding under the cloak of darkness. There are three species of wombat:
- The Critically Endangered Northern Hairy-Nosed Wombat - can only be found in two small areas in Queensland.
- The Southern Hairy-Nosed Wombat - mainly lives in South Australia and is South Australia's faunal emblem.
- The Bare-Nosed Wombat is located in pockets throughout south-east Australia, including Tasmania.
How is the Australian Wildlife Society helping, and how can you help?
The Australian Wildlife Society has been working since its inception in May 1909 to preserve and protect Australia's wildlife in all its forms, including our precious wombat species. We aim to help to raise the profile of wombats and protect all wombat species from decline. Some of our most recent projects supporting wombat conservation are highlighted below.
These groups are working tirelessly to protect wombats from common threats such as habitat loss, road strikes, and mange.
- The Wombat Foundation - www.wombatfoundation.com.au
- Wombat Awareness Organisation - www.wombatawareness.com
- Cedar Creek Wombat Rescue - www.cedarcreekwombatrescue.com
- Wombat Protection Society of Australia - www.wombatprotection.org.au
- Wombat Care Bundanoon - www.wombatcarebundanoon.com.au
- WomSAT - www.womsat.org.au
- Wombats SA - www.wombatssa.org.au
- Camden Wombats Landcare - https://bit.ly/CWLInc
Help Save Australia's Wombats!
Donate to the Australian Wildlife Society today!